It's also possibly the other way around.Why are ponies naive, skittish around non-ponies, and prone to acts of stupidity? Because that's how the fascist, xenophobic school board overseeing their education demands that they be educated. It also explains some of the ponies' behavior in general throughout the show.After watching how the E E A oversees education in Equestria, suddenly the incompetence of the Ponyville School Board and the helplessness of Cheerilee regarding Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon make a lot of sense.He's likely the oldest of the group (although he's almost certainly younger than the Mane Six). Sandbar, on the other hoof, already has his cutie mark, and his character model is that used for almost all adult stallions.

Furthermore, some of the students (specifically Yona, Smolder, and Ocellus) look fairly young compared to full-grown members of their species, while Gallus's Totally Radical dialog and Silverstream's extreme excitability and Mundane Object Amazement indicate that the same is true for them.Since he's not overwhelmed by the flood of new ideas like the rest of the group, he can dedicate more brainpower to thinking ahead. Why is Sandbar the Only Sane Man of the student group? Unlike the others, Sandbar is a pony who grew up in Equestria, therefore he'd have more familiarity with the importance of friendship.This leaves Applejack to give the message to the Hippogriffs, who value honesty after Twilight's stint as a pearl thief.Rainbow Dash goes to the Griffons due to her Friendship with Gilda.Fluttershy goes to the changelings since they're now trying to be peaceful and kind like her.Of course Rarity would be sent to talk to the leader of the dragons, she herself is close friends with a dragon, Spike.Pinkie Pie goes to the Yaks as the Official Friendship Ambassador to the Yaks.When the Mane 5 go to tell the leaders the School is reopening, most of the ponies go to an appropriate leader as follows:.So it's for the best if she leaves Equestria for the ponies to cool their heads off and get everything back to normal so that she doesn't have to constantly sleep with one eye open should she ever decide to return.

It doesn't help that she was the one that gave the Storm King the idea to invade Equestria in the first place or at least bumped it up on his to-conquer list. With the events of the invasion still fresh in their collective memory, the general public would still be unaware or wary of her Heel≯ace Turn and she would face constant scrutiny if she stayed in Equestria. Then you remember that while she redeemed herself in front of the Mane 6, she is still The Face and The Heavy of the invasion while committing multiple acts of treason by assaulting the princesses in broad daylight.