The Hero Dies: Despite being more-or-less the main character of the first game, Bellower can kill him in that game's ending.He has to try to keep Aberang safe and sane as Iver leads another band to stop the end of the world. Supporting Leader: Becomes this in the third game.Sole Survivor: The rest of his family died when he was young.They hook up in the third game if Rook is still alive. Ship Tease: With Oddlief throughout the first game.Papa Wolf: Fiercly protective of his daughter.It can come true if Allete is killed by Bellower in the first game's finale. Out Living Ones Offspring: His greatest fear.
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By the second game, he has become a full on Death Seeker in response. Heroic BSoD: If Allete is the one to fall to Bellower.The Hero: He's more or less the main protagonist of the first game.Death Seeker: If Allete falls to Bellower, then in the second game he'll charge at a horde of dredge alone in the hopes that they will put him out of his misery.The Determinator: During Onef's mutiny Rook is seriously wounded but continues to carve through the traitors, only fainting when Onef is dead and Allete is safe.